Tag: palermo

Cattedrale di Palermo (Palermo Cathedral)

Palermo – Chaos, Spleen Sandwiches & Getting Lost in the Capital of Sicily

A bright red panini truck sits at the end of a narrow street, blasting dance music at full volume. A car sits behind it and both make it hard to pass even though I am walking. Soon, a woman will drive down the alley from the other end, finding her way blocked by both the panini truck and the car behind. She’ll raise a single hand in protest at the driver of the car in front of her. He’ll shrug, his mouth full, a large sandwich in his hand. He is having lunch and can’t be bothered. It isn’t until a second car comes barreling down, halting to a stop with the driver bolting out and screaming that things actually start moving. The panini truck, still playing club music, will resign and jet off to another alley. The man behind it will shove the rest of the sandwich into his mouth and clear the path himself.

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