Category: Videos

Golden Gate Bridge

The Best of San Francisco in Beautiful 4K Video

Like many major cities, San Francisco faces its struggles. The popular “doom loop” narrative often paints the entire city as a dystopia. Some neighborhoods are facing real trouble, but the city is very much not a dystopia. I made the following video to counterbalance that narrative. I wanted to show that, while there are many (many) critical problems to fix, SF is still a beautiful place worth visiting.

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Teatro Greco di Akrai (Greek Theater of the Akrai) in Palazzolo Acreide

Palazzolo Acreide & the Ancient Greeks in Sicily

It’s the 8th century BCE. Colonists have arrived in Sicily from Corinth, a city-state between Athens and Sparta, to establish settlements. On this southeastern part of the island, across the Ionian sea from the motherland, rises the great capital city of Syracuse. Allied with Corinth and Sparta, Syracuse will one day help dominate Magna Graecia, growing as large as Athens in the 5th century BCE.

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View of Milan from the Terrazze del Duomo

Milan – Elegance, Nightlife & Expo 2015 (Videos)

Seven years ago in a lifetime far away, before I had ever been to Europe, when I still thought bruschetta was pronounced with a sh, the first native Italian came into my life. I decided to pick up the language, now having someone to practice with; I ditched French and embarked on a voyage into la bella lingua. She was from a small town near Milan, and, since then, I held a fascination for the bustling Italian metropolis. Seven years later, I finally saw the city for myself.

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Love Locks on Ponte Milvio

Revisiting Rome – Hidden History, Vespa Rides & Private Club Dining

The shade is halfway down to block the sun, but it’s already burning inside the train. A group of teenage scouts in uniform of some troop brigade chats loudly nearby, in front of me is a young law student, and, to my right, two ragazzi speak in thick dialect. I can barely understand them when they ask if I can close the shade completely. The regionale train takes nearly three hours to reach Rome from Naples, where I had just visited, and I am without water, slowly sweating out what little precious liquid remains in my body. But, hey, at least I don’t have to pee.

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Train Boarding Ferry to Cross the Strait of Messina from Sicily to Mainland Italy

Going Across the Strait of Messina on a Train in a Boat (Video)

Yes, you read that right.

Taking the Italian rail across the Strait of Messina from Sicily to mainland Italy requires what could be one of the coolest experiences in transportation: riding a train that boards a ferry.

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